The Art of Unlearning


Create meaningful products and services

What does humility have to do with creating new products? Why is practicing openness important when building a new service? What are we not seeing that could make our customers loyal to our brand?





The workshop

This workshop is the foundation to Human-Centered Design and so naturally humans are at the center of it. Whether they are your clients or collaborators - anyone standing to benefit from your work directly or indirectly.

Our approach to any new creation starts with the art of unlearning. We will go through three guiding principles: humility, openness and curiosity and learn how companies that practice those principles have transformed their business success.

We will then practice new skills of how to actively listen to people, how to hear what they are saying and not saying. We will learn where our blind spots are and how to decode the deep human need behind the information.

Finally, we will learn how to take all of that information and translate it into insights that will serve the basis for a new product or service.



What you will learn

  • The three principles of a new creation
  • Ethnographic research tools: aka user interviews and observations
  • Active listening skills
  • How to analyze qualitative data
  • Tools for generating innovative insights


Who is it for?

Anyone within the organization that drives the company’s core offering forward. From C-suite level to product, design, customer success and sales teams.

"The Art Of Unlearning workshop has completely altered the way we go about creating, designing ang making new products."

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